Votsalo Suites


Σκάλα Ποταμιάς, Θάσος, 64 004

3+1 Reasons to Visit Thassos

Thassos is the most northern island of the Aegean and is a traditional tourist destination for residents of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The emerald island with natural beauty offering unforgettable images that will remain unforgettable.

Throughout the island you will find beaches of exceptional beauty with crystal blue waters and golden sand. The beach of Skala Potamia Golden Beach located a few meters from the Votsalo Suites, exemplifies the deep blue waters you’ll find on the island. Organize your right excursions and visit as many beaches on the island. This option will certainly vindicate you.

Natural landscape
The nature was very generous with the island, which is covered with lush vegetation, which besides its beauty, offers favors and professional activities of the inhabitants. Thanks to its rich vegetation and favorable climate, most residents are engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry and beekeeping. Admire a scenery of rare beauty, in Thassos, where the green of trees meets the blue of the sea.

Thassos is an island deeply attached to tradition. Even today many traditions and customs are kept alive, and most of the villages are inhabited throughout the year. The villages Potamia, Panagia and Maries, are some of the villages of Thasos which travel the visitor to another era through their quaintness. Admire traditional stone houses, wander through traditional streets and travel in your imagination.

On the island, you will find many traditional products and foods. One of the main occupations of the inhabitants is the cultivation of olives, so you can try the excellent Thassos oil and olives Throumpes. Thanks to the flora and the favorable climate in Thassos you will find fresh seafood, delicious honey and excellent local meat. Do not forget to taste traditional dishes like stuffed courgette flowers, roasted lamb or goat, pies, and meatballs, which is a variation of the classic zucchini. The island invites you to discover, please contact the staff Votsalo Suites, which will fully inform you with regards to the island.

Το παρόν έντυπο συγχρηματοδοτήθηκε από
το Ευρωπαϊκό Γεωργικό Ταμείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης & το Υπουργείο
Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης & Τροφίμων στο πλαίσιο
του Προγράμματος Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης της Ελλάδας 2007-2013.

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